Crib Safety Tips - Safe Baby Sleep

  For the first few months of your baby’s life, they sleep – a lot. Newborns typically snooze around 16 hours a day, just not consecutively. You’ll both be awake every 3-4...

Baby and Pet Gate Safety Tips

The moment your little one starts commando-crawling across the floor, it’s time to start your search for baby gates. An essential baby– and pet! - proofing product, safety gates help...

Stroller Safety Tips

It’s time to hit the pavement with your little one - you researched and found your perfect stroller, and you’re ready to roll. While the proper use of a stroller...

Childproofing Room to Room: The Nursery

The nursery – designed with care and stocked with everything you need to survive the first few months at home after your peanut arrives. After you’ve decorated and filled the...

Keeping Baby Safe During the Holidays

The holidays are coming, and this year, they’re going to look different, because you’re celebrating with the newest member of your family. How you prepare for the season will change...

10 Tips for Safe Cleaning Supply Storage

As parents, it’s our job to protect our kids, so walking through the house imagining potential dangers is something most would prefer to avoid. But, there comes a time, hopefully...

Car Seat Installation DOs and DON’Ts

Updated 8/29/2023 Installing a car seat doesn’t require a degree in rocket science, but it can still be overwhelming when your tiny human’s safety is at stake. Your kiddo’s car...